Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Year's Vision Casting - Day 2 - Part B

Here is an example of personalizing Scripture and using it as a prayer in your journaling. The New Year's Vision Casting exercise can be found on the Beggar Sharing Bread blog.


Ephesians 5:1-2

Lord, as I prepare to journal and cast vision for 2012, I pray that You will help me to do so as a dearly loved child who wants to imitate my Daddy. Verse 1 really touches me this morning as I consider it from the perspective of a parent. Tal is at the prime age of wanting to imitate his Daddy! At 5.5 he loves to be in the thick of whatever Scott is doing, trying to help him, using his tools, trying to be grown up. He loves his Daddy, and he knows that his Daddy loves him. It is precious, and it is a beautiful picture - a living picture- of my relationship with You. Lord, help me to be confident in Your love in the same way that Tal is confident in Scott's love. Out of that love, may I imitate You. Show me what You are up to in people's lives, and may I desire to come alongside You, use Your tools, and help You build Your kingdom.

Verse 2 calls me to live a life of love. How do I do this? The verse goes on to say "just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us..." The perfect example of love is Christ. He put others before Himself. He was God, but He "made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant" (Philippians 2:7). Lord, it is so hard to put others first! In fact, it is impossible! In and of myself I cannot do this, but through Christ "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13). Thank You, God, for doing all the work for me and for providing every tool I need to do the good works that You prepared in advance for me to do; it was all provided through Jesus (Ephesians 2:10)! What a blessed reminder this is about the whole meaning of the Christmas season. You came to provide it all and to do it all. Emmanuel, God with us! Emmanuel, God with us! Emmanuel, God with us! Emmanuel, God with me!

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